So let’s get started and good luck with the trivia quiz.

In what century was the first use of Xmas?

In what century was the first use of xmas?
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The word Xmas was first used in the mid-1500s.
The ‘X’ in word Xmas literally means Christ and comes from the Greek letter Χ (Chi). According to a legend, emperor Constantine, on the eve of his great battle against Maxentius, had a vision that led him to create a military banner with the first two letters of Christ on it: ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ (Christ in Greek) X (Chi) and Ρ (Rho). These two letters, then, became a sort of shorthand for Jesus Christ.

In which centuries the Greek civilization flourished?

In which centuries the greek civilization flourished?
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4th and 5th centuries BC.
The Greek civilization flourished in the 4th and 5th centuries BC. This civilization included the period of Persian Wars (510-479 BC), Golden Age of Athens (479-404 BC), and Classical Era (404-338 BC). The Greek civilization was known for its dominant control over the Roman Empire.

How old is Yoda?

Star Wars Questions how old is yoda
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900 years old.
One of the most famous characters of the franchise, Yoda died at the age of 900 years old. Up to this day, the species of Yoda has yet to be defined.

Which Spice girl was the first to get married?

Which spice girl was the first to get married?
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Melanie Janine Brown.
Melanie Janine Brown was born May 29, 1975, professionally known as Mel B, is an English television personality, singer, actress, and author. Brown became popular in the 1990s as a member of the female Spice Girls group, in which she received the nickname Spice Scary. It was scary the first Spice girl who married. She married dancer Jimmy Gulzar in 1998.

About Trivia Quizzes and Games

Experts say that when it comes to brainpower, you either use it or lose it. Playing trivia games regularly is one sure way to keep your mind active because it involves comprehension, cognition and memory skills. Questions are drawn from some of the most memorable events in history, science or popular culture. These quizzes are designed to be played in different formats: as an individual challenge, with a partner or as team play on game night. We construct our quizzes to present escalating challenges. Trivia games deal with facts. Every question included in our games has been checked for accuracy and relevance. You are free to quote them at your next gathering to show off some interesting facts you’ve picked up from playing trivia games. Doing trivia quizzes has also been shown to improve collaboration and communication skills, generate a healthy debate, relieve stress and promote harmony among many advantages. The more you play, the more you know, and you can focus on the topics that are of great interest to you.